Gregory Massingham
and Cantus Music Australia
Welcome to Cantus Music Australia.
This website is a vehicle for an enterprise that has been quietly forming for some time. As circumstances now provide me with the time to generate and curate my own projects, it is my wish that this medium will be a way to share my musical enthusiasms and deliberations with the wider community.
Herein, you will find some writings that, in the past, I have penned as a guide for tertiary music students undertaking major performance projects. My hope is that they will still serve a purpose, to those interested, in illuminating the masterpieces discussed. It is also my hope to add to this current list of essays in the future.
However, the main purpose of this site is to house my new projects. The first of these is a recently recorded album of tenor arias from the cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach. Having spent a lifetime of musical experiences that have continually returned to the works of JS Bach I, like many who have shared that privilege, continue to be in awe of the quality and power of his music. So, it seemed natural that Bach should be the first composer to be celebrated in this personal venture.
The recording of vocal works by Benjamin Britten is the next in the series and explorations of Schubert's Winterreise and arias from Handel's dramatic works have also been planned.
I hope these recordings and commentaries, which can be freely downloaded, will give the listener as much pleasure as they have given to me and my colleagues creating them.